Éveillez l'humanité à la conscience Christique

 Le retour de la magie dans votre vie, à laquelle vous aspirez tant, peut uniquement provenir de votre Union Divine, de votre niveau d'unité avec toute Vie. ~~ Antharus - Telos Card

2006 Planetary Transformations - Part 1

Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones

Aurelia: Adama, what can we expect as planetary changes or transformation for this year and perhaps next year?

Greetings, my friends, this is Adama from Telos. It is with joy and friendship that we, Lemurians of Telos, come forward at this time to share this communication with you.

As you all know, the time of great changes on this planet is hanging over your heads. Many of you have stated many times that those changes have been promised for a very long time, and that they are very slow in coming. Many of you would like to see a much greater acceleration of those changes and be done with it. Then, be ready and vigilant, beloved ones. The years 2006, 2007and 2008 are the years you will see and experience many of the changes you have been waiting for, although they may not occur in the ways you are anticipating.

Understand, my beloveds, that it is true that many of the changes you have been expected have been delayed in coming. Some of the changes that you have been anticipating have already manifested; but they have occurred in a much softer manner than it would have, had it happened even just two to three years ago. Other foreseen or predicted changes have been mitigated in their totality or have been much gentler than previously perceived. Have you recognized it?

Why is that? It is because so many of you on the surface have now awakened to your true potential as divine beings, and you strive to attain it. So many of you allowed major changes in your consciousness to take place and you have committed your lives to your goals of Ascension. So many of you have called out to God in your hearts and have petitioned for positive changes. You have stated in your heart that what is going on at this time on your planet, as an agenda from the forces of the Shadow for total control and enslavement of humanity within the next 20 years, is not your truth. You have cried out to God for intervention, you have embraced a more harmonious way of being, and you have committed yourself to Love and the way of Harmlessness. And your prayers have been heard! This, my beloved friends, is what has created the difference in the mitigation of certain events that would have been quite painful for humanity. You have created a softening and a delay in the events that were foreseen to occur a few years back as Earth changes.

The time has come now for your blue planet Shan, hosted by your Earth Mother, to fulfill Her destiny and Ascension. She cannot wait any longer for the readiness of Her children, whose majority are still refusing to wake-up to the truth of their spiritual destiny. She has to cleanse Her body and humanity in preparation for Her glorious Ascension by 2012. In the last 20 years, your Mother has constantly requested the Galactic Councils of Light for more dispensations to delay the Earth changes in order to give Her children more time to align themselves with their divine destiny.

We can truly say now that the Earth has waited until the very last hour to allow those changes to take place on Her body for your own benefit.

She yearned to see many more of Her children awakening and create for themselves a much smoother transition than what was foreseen, let’s say just 10 to 20 years ago. Also understand that at this late hour, the bells of a wondrous destiny are ringing for her, and she can no longer wait. She is now pressed to move on to Her Ascension or be left behind with humanity to perish. The rest of this universe is moving on at a rapid pace to another location in the cosmos, and coming along with the rest of this universe is really Her “only rightful choice”. I am sure that you all agree that She has been hosting ungrateful and unconscious civilizations on Her body far too long, and it is now time for Her to “graduate and receive Her rewards.” Eventually, Her rewards will become your rewards as well.

Her time is now up, and so is yours. You must make your choice at this time to come along or stay behind. We have already talked about this in several of our writings. The Earth will now proceed with Her full purification, resurrection and rejuvenation processes with those of humanity who have made themselves ready and willing to do whatever it will take to come along. Those who choose differently will be granted another opportunity in some other cosmic cycle or another incarnation. Her initiations are also your initiations, as you are doing this together.

The darkness on your planet is still so very dense. Without the intervention of your Creator, with the diligent and constant assistance of the Space Brotherhood and the Angelic Kingdom and the Inner Earth Beings, there would be, as is, no more possibility to sustain life in your world. Very few of you, if any, have even a small token of awareness of the immense Grace that is bestowed upon each of you and on your planet for the sake of preventing total destruction.

On the surface, you are dealing with human rulership that is absolutely determined to stop at all cost the enlightenment of humanity. This rulership will not relinquish control and their agenda for total power, control, manipulation and enslavement of humanity in the next 15 to 20 years. The beings of the secret government ruling your planet, and those in resonance with them, are very well aware that their time is up. Time is now coming to pass for their cosmic/karmic accountability for all the crimes and injustices they have committed against humanity, against the Earth, your Mother, and against all other kingdoms sharing this planet with you.

They know that God has now taken His planet back from them, and that very soon, the leadership of your planet will be given again to those who have attained the greatest amounts of Love and Wisdom. This, my friend, they want to stop at all cost and take every one of you down the tube with them also, if they could. With deepest gratitude for those “keeping the watch” in your behalf, know that no atomic bomb will be allowed to be unleashed in your world from now on. They may try, but it will simply not be allowed.

We are keeping a close guard on those who have nuclear weapons that are meant to be unleashed in your world at any given time. This is also one of our challenges. Many of the Space Brothers are also keeping a vigilant watch and they have, in several instances, at the right moment, dismantled the triggers that would have launched a nuclear attack in several areas of your planet years ago.

Be of good cheer, this will not happen, as the Ascension of Earth, and of Her children, has been decreed and granted by your Creator. All is in preparation for those wondrous events to soon manifest in your world for those who have made themselves ready. But the cleansing and the purification of your planet and of your own lives and consciousness must first come to pass.

Throughout the ages of cosmic evolution, there are hundreds of 3rd dimensional planets that have been raised to 5th dimensional frequency. In the case of Earth, it is a bit different. We are looking at a planet that has sacrificed the comfort of Her own body and in return has been polluted and poisoned to the extreme by the children She is hosting. Her body can no longer host such abuse. This is also another reason why it is so imperative for Her to make her Ascension into a higher vibration as soon as possible.

The misuse of Her resources by this generation alone creates a situation such, that in a few short years, if Life here was to continue at the pace it is lived now, there would not be enough resources to host another generation of humans in most countries. The pollution in so many areas of the planet is such that the oxygen level is rapidly diminishing; and in a few short years, life will no longer be sustained.

Never in the whole history of this universe has a planet, whose civilizations are still lingering in so much darkness and unconsciousness, has been raised to a fifth dimensional frequency. This is the first time that this is being done. Consider the challenge this created for those of us involved in a process that was never experienced before anywhere in the whole kingdom of God. Compare it to navigating into the “uncharted waters” of a turbulent sea.

All of us hoped that by now, more of humanity would awaken from their spiritual lethargy and slumber to become more conscious beings. The light-workers joining in all over the planet are making the difference; and this is what is allowing this wonderful dispensation to take place. We can honestly say that if the planet will be in a position to take a portion of humanity into Ascension by 2012 and beyond. It is not because of the majority who are still living their lives in spiritual slumber, but because of a rather small percentage who are now waking up and making the difference.

The greatest challenges will be met by those who will be forced to awaken to a different reality and re-evaluate their values and the goals of their present incarnation through the events that are planned to manifest as Earth changes in your world. The way you need to perceive the planetary changes must be without judgment and with utmost compassion for Self and with everything you will witness around you. Instead, perceive the changes as the most needed form of purification for your planet and for yourself in preparation for the greatest gifts and glory that a planet and humanity will soon receive from their Creator.

Our greatest challenge is created by our negotiations with those of the shadow side who have been given “warning after warning”, and “requests after requests” for cooperation for the manifestation of the Divine Plan on Earth. To this day, they have consistently refused to let go of their sinister agenda. Letters of specific recommendations have been written and hand-delivered personally by some of us or by members of the Galactic diplomatic team to all the leaders of each country on several occasions. Each time, most of those letters were put in the trash “unread”. In other instances, they were read but the comments were: “We are not willing to cooperate with your requests or your agenda, we have our own”. Once in a while our letters were read and the person said: “I would like to comply with your request, but I would have no support to do it. I do not know how I could implement this on my own while having with everyone around me stand against it.

We wish for your transition to be as gentle as possible; but in general, we do not yet have enough cooperation from humanity. The light-workers are still in a minority, and this is about to change. Let me predict that after what is coming in 2006, and especially in 2007 as earth changes, by 2008, this “wait and see attitude” will change dramatically. A great majority of humanity will be ready to hear and to listen to all the wisdom and true knowledge you will be willing to share with them. They will be looking to those who can assist them to embrace new truths for themselves.

Aurelia: What is to be expected as changes in 2006?

Know that none of us of the Light Realm are allowed to give you exact details of the events and transformations that are about to take place in your world. Beware of predictions that may be very precise and detailed. They may not be coming from the higher spheres. This is because those events and changes are meant to take you by surprise in order to create the “impact” in your consciousness they are intended to create.

If you know all the details ahead of time, your analytic mind will figure this all out at the mental level, and many of you may go into fear and despair. This is not what those events are meant to create. As you are taken by surprise with Earth changes, you open your heart to compassion, you change your values for your life, and you learn to integrate a greater understanding of Love, Brotherhood and Cooperation for the benefit of the whole.

In discussing the changes of 2006, 2007 and as far as 2008, it is difficult for us to discuss them apart in two or three separate years, because it is really the subject of ”one” intense cycle of changes, all tied up together as one cycle. The unfolding of many scenarios or events in store for humanity during these years are still being examined and the exact way they will play out, and when, is not yet fully determined. The final decisions of what is to come do not come from us, but from a much higher level. So much of it remains subject to changes for better or for more intensification. These potential events always remain potential until it literally happens.

What if, all of a sudden, so many of you embrace your Christhood in such a way that 50% of what we have told you could be mitigated very quickly. Would that make us wrong in our predictions? We always talk to you in the “now moment”, and we tell you only what is perceived as potential at this time, and it can change again next week.

This is why we are not eager to give you precise details. We may be very aware of all the potential scenarios, but to know which one will manifest for sure is not always known to us far ahead of time. Very often, we do not know until a few days or hours before. With this humanity especially, you are so unpredictable! So much is depending on changeable factors.

It is an illusion that certain of you entertain in your world that we always know everything about everything at all times. It is a fact that we have access to much more information than you do and almost instantly. And in truth, we are not always interested to know about all the details of everything happening in your world. We study and focus mainly in the areas that are important for our own evolution, for our level of service to Life and the areas of work that will enhance our service to always deliver the excellence of impeccability. We can read your minds, your thoughts and your intentions, but we cannot control you and always predict what you are going to do in your personal life and as a soul group.

In the area of your governments:

    * In 2006, you will witness the beginning of the shaking up of your world governments, including the one in Washington DC. This, of course, will intensify greatly in the year 2007 and 2008. I am sure that by now, you have already noticed some of this shaking.     * Expect that many leaders at different levels will be exposed for their shadowy agenda for the treachery they have inflicted upon others and the misuse of responsibilities they were entrusted with though their position. Many of those of the Shadow side in position of power now will soon be exposed royally, starting 2006, and even more in 2007. It is also expected that some of them will begin to see the illusion of their lifestyles, and will be willing to change quite radically.     * It is certainly time now for all of you to really start questioning the integrity and competence of the leaders of the country where you are living, those you have elected to represent you. It is important for you to realize that in the next 36 months to come, there will be a changing of leadership in many countries, and this will continue onward for the next few years. Be willing to support those who have the courage to initiate changes. In most cases, without your love and support, they will not be able to act. We urge you to pray for them, and within your heart, continue to make your declaration of Truth to God until the right results are manifested.

Let me say that if the majority of you on the surface demanded of your Creator and of this universe that you are, in your heart, voting and choosing a Christed Being to lead your country, it would not take long in coming. It is because you do not believe that together you have the power of the God-within to create those changes. It is because of your complacency in accepting any kind of controlling and manipulative laws from your leaders that you are finding yourself in so much limitation, as citizens of a wondrous planet. Your Freedom in all aspects of Life is your birthright, beloved children of my Heart! It is time that you start claiming it and acting on it.

In the area of planetary changes:

    * Very soon, your planet Shan, also called the Blue Planet, will no longer tolerate any more destruction on Her body. The sentience of this planet, which you call Gaia, is a conscious and alive being who, in 2006, 2007 and 2008 will release Herself of the many areas of pressure created within the core of Her being. These releases of energy, in order to stretch and purify Herself, will manifest in your world as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, high winds and major disturbances in normal climate patterns. It will be Her way of releasing the negativity, pollution, toxicity inflicted and absorbed on and within Her body by those living on the surface. These intermittent releases will assist Her to pass through the great changes needed in order to be able to host on her body an enlightened civilization. She is also getting ready to host the next level of beings who will come here to live from many Star systems and from the Earth interior to assist you in creating the long awaited golden age that you have all been waiting for, for so very long.     * You may expect a possible pole shift in 2006 or 2007. The exact timing is not yet known, as there are too many factors needing to be taken into consideration first. In any case, when this starts to unfold, it will bring in several areas a displacement of land masses. The shorelines of the oceans will experience some changes in several places.     * In 2006, the dissolution of the American Dream will become more obvious to all of you, not only in the United States alone, but in nearly every country. The dream about your life on this planet, for most of you, has been built on the greatest illusion and the most erroneous concepts of what the “Real Life” should be all about. You have built your dreams of a life that simply cannot exist very long in a context of spiritual ignorance, deceit and arrogance.     * The events that will soon manifest in your world will create disturbances and confusion for many of you. Too many of humanity have ignored the soft and gentle nudging of their soul to embrace their Christhood and the value of the “Real Life” in surrender to the glories of the God-within. For much too long, you have ignored the little mirrors that were presented to you for the purpose of initiating changes in your consciousness. Now the mirrors that will be returning will offer you a more direct message that you will not be able to ignore any longer.

Humanity will have to suffer the consequences of their lethargy and complacency in order to awaken the masses from their spiritual slumber and change their values to a life that is nobler, more real and permanent in its essence and more natural to the soul.

About and Contacts:

    * I can already read the mind of many as you read these lines. You are wondering about ET contacts. Well, my beloveds, this is in store for you as well, but not so much in 2006. ET contacts with some of the surface folks has already begun, but in a very limited way. In 2007, there will be more and you will be able to witness much more closely and tangibly the sighting of space vessels.     * As for a massive landing, like so many of you expect to manifest soon, where millions of ships will land all at once and visit you in your home, it is a bit premature to think it is going to happen at this time. What we can share is that this will manifest closer to year 2009 or 2010, when the major part of the Earth changes will have already taken place. Year 2010 is scheduled to bring about the final cleansing cycle of the planet, and unless humanity wakes up in great masses between now and then, and choose the path of initiation towards Ascension, expect it to be the most intense year of all.

Although some of you will see and meet with us tangibly before, the civilizations from the Earth interior will come out in great number to greet you at the time when, the massive landings of the space brothers will take place on your soil. It is then that the majority of Shan’s population will be more ready to welcome their ‘Star family’ and us as well. It is quite safe to predict that this will happen around 2010 or 2011.

Open your heart to all possibilities and allow the miracles to protect and bless you.

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