Éveillez l'humanité à la conscience Christique

La compassion pour soi-même, vous transporte à l’intérieur de la vibration de la Grâce. ~~ Adama, Carte Telos

We Have Immortalized Our Bodies

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones

Greetings Beloved Ones,

I Am Adama, high priest of Telos. I am communicating with you from our subterranean city underneath Mount Shasta. The Lemurian Council of Twelve of Telos, including myself, would like to express our gratitude to be offered this wonderful opportunity to commune with many of you as you read our message.

For those of you who are not yet familiar with us, let me explain that the inhabitants of Telos are nothing less than the present-day survivors of the lost continent of Lemuria. Telos has become a most wondrous and magical city of Light, and has been our home since the destruction of our continent. Yes, we are still here, alive and "real" until this day. Although almost three hundred million of our people perished in the blast, twenty five thousand of us survived. Today you could count almost one and a half million of us living beneath our sacred mountain.

Beloved ones, we are your brothers and sisters, your loyal friends and family from your Lemurian past, and we are still connected with all of you through the love of our hearts. As we open wide our hearts to you, we ask you to open your hearts to us as well. We invite you to focus in communicating with us as often as you wish. We have the ability to bring much healing to the various aspects of your lives that need to come into greater balance. Be assured that we are always willing, able and ready to assist you in so many ways. By opening your heart and minds to us, we can assist you in ways that can bring rapid transformation in your lives that otherwise could take much longer to attain. We know that you all enjoy shortcuts, and interacting with us consciously will assist you in creating many shortcuts in your lives that will ease your burdens and accelerate your spiritual progress.

Many of you are asking the question if we are still physical in ways that we can be seen and touched. Others argue that we are totally etheric, meaning that we no longer have bodies that are visually physical and tangible in your dimension. For the sake of clarity, let me explain that we have now become fifth dimensional beings. Just as it was in the glorious time of the Lemurian civilization, we maintain a fifth dimensional awareness. Our bodies have attained a state of immortality and perfection. We have chosen to retain enough density in them to remain visible and tangible while experiencing no limitations of any kind. The divine solar blueprint of our bodies is the same as yours. Our DNA is also the same as yours was before you were dragged and manipulated into such great density as you have been experiencing on the surface for a very long time. This means that our DNA has become far more evolved than yours is now. Our physical bodies have never degenerated and mutated as yours have. We have the ability to ride the third, fourth and fifth dimensions at will, and this gives us much flexibility, freedom and delight.

Our physical bodies have attained the level of perfection that you are all hoping for. Therefore, we function at a much higher frequency than you do. Our physical bodies function with the perfection it was always intended by our Creator. Basically, your bodies and our bodies have the same potential; they were created with the same divine blueprint template. This means beloved ones, that in a few short years, as your awareness shifts from the limitations and judgments of the third dimensional frequency to the awareness and unconditional love of the fifth dimension, you will all learn to raise your bodies' frequency as we have. You will gradually experience the delights of seeing, feeling and experiencing your physical bodies transforming right in front of your very eyes increment by increment, within a relative short time. It will be unique for each person. You will release all your old limiting beliefs that have kept you in pain, suffering and lack. You will start experiencing the return of your bodies rejuvenating and functioning according to your original blueprint of solar perfection with many more attributes added to it.

For several eras of golden ages including the time of Lemuria, we were all living in a fifth dimension awareness with bodies that could switch back and forth between fifth and third dimension frequency. This was a lot of fun and exciting for a very long time until a succession of many events on this planet caused almost the entire earth population to become permanently caught in a third dimension awareness, no longer able to reconnect with their fifth dimensional reality.

Soon, as you evolve your consciousness into the LOVE frequency and are able to maintain it there, your physical bodies will shed their present level of density, and the former "magic" you once knew in the time of Lemuria will be, once again, yours to enjoy and experiment with. Your bodies will become immortal and limitless. And this time, dear ones, the magic will be much greater because you have experienced your lives for so very long without that magic, and your lives have been very difficult. You have learned much since those gifts were lost to your awareness and ability. And because you have suffered for so long and your souls have learned great lessons, you will never again take for granted the gift of immortality and divine perfection in all aspects of your lives.

We send you our Love and our Friendship from Telos.

I Am Adama, your friend from long ago.

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