The Temple of Union
Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones

Greetings and Blessings, this is Adama from Telos. I am here today with Ahnahmar, one of our elders from Telos who has been living here since the beginning of our life underground a little over 12,000 years ago. One can say that Ahnahmar lived on the surface for over two thousand years prior to the loss of our continent, and he has maintained the same youthful body for about 14,000 years of your time. He is very tall, energetic and handsome, looking around 35 to 38 years of age.
During the time of Lemuria, Ahnahmar and his twin flame built a temple of wondrous beauty called "The Temple of Union". This temple was built in honor of the Love and Union of Twin Flames. Ahnahmar with his twin flame have been the guardians of that unfed flame of Immortal Love for the planet ever since. I now step back to allow Ahnahmar to continue.
Ahnahmar continues:
Blessings and love to all those who will read this message. In the time of Lemuria, most men and women were sharing their lives with their beloved twin flames. That majestic temple was the location where wedding ceremonies took place. Couples adorned themselves with great beauty and elegance to consecrate their "Union" with the energies of the unfed flame of Immortal Love. Although this flame of Love has been extinguished from the surface with the sinking of Lemuria, it has been preserved on this planet in the Temple of Union who was lifted up in its entirety into a 4th dimensional vibration when our continent was destroyed.
This temple still exists to this day in the area near Mount Shasta in the same location it used to be, and is now vibrating at a 5th dimensional frequency. Although the former physical structure no longer exists in your 3rd dimension and cannot be seen in your reality, be assured that it is very real and tangible to us. The temple is very active and continues to this day to perform all the functions it was intended to do from the time it was built. This temple dwells in the crystal city of Light that exists in the etheric in the area of Mount Shasta, extending itself close to 40 miles in diameter. You have been promised that this wondrous Lemurian city will eventually be lowered into a more physical expression, and many of you will be able to see and enter it. You are asking when this is going to happen. The exact time is still unknown to us. We anticipate that it will be towards the end of this decade. When this happens, this temple, along with all other wonders that the crystal city holds, will be available to those who will match that vibration in their spiritual development.
Aurelia, known to you as Louise Jones, who had involvement with this temple in the time of Lemuria, rediscovered the location of that temple a couple years ago while taking walks within a couple miles of her home in the Mount. Shasta area. At first, she tuned in that this was a very special place but could not unveil the mystery. For reasons unknown to her, she felt very drawn to return frequently to our area for walks and meditations. Several times a week, we watched her walking up the hill. It was always with delight and joy, especially the first time, that we saw her coming. We waited for the day we could communicate with her more directly. Unknown to her outer mind, each time she came, she received on the inner plane our warm welcome along with much attention and love from us.
It had been several thousands of years since we had any kind of opportunity to communicate consciously with any surface person in that location. There are those living in that area who also come to the hill for walks from time to time, but none of them ever had any kind of awareness as to what this location represents. More clarity was eventually offered to our friend Aurelia about the nature of her favorite location for which she felt such a strong attraction. Her love and high degree of respect for the sacredness of that place allowed us to unveil ourselves to her more openly and reveal a greater measure of her former involvement with us in the Temple of Union.
We have an eventual plan for that location and we hope that in a near future this sacred site can be unveiled to the public. We envision that in two to three years from now, a small temple will be built there where wedding ceremonies and spiritual development classes will be held under our sponsorship. We also know that, very soon, many couples will be guided to come here to consecrate their wedding ceremonies with the energies of our Temple.
Aurelia recently performed a wedding ceremony in that location, (November 1st. 2001) enrolling our full presence and the presence of the Light Realm. It was the first time since the sinking of Lemuria that a wedding ceremony took place in the physical octave directly in the location where our 5th dimensional Temple of Union is situated. This was a most joyous moment for us, and we offered our full support. I, Ahnahmar totally merged with her during the ceremony.
Unknown to her outer mind at the time, she was setting herself up for a wonderful experience. Following her inner guidance, she suggested that special location to a twin flame couple who wanted her to officiate their wedding ceremony. The Telosians along with the Lemurian Council and the beings of the Light Realm were very happy with this event. Literally hundreds of thousands of us, running into the millions from the invisible realm attended this wedding in our etheric bodies. In a way, it was fortunate that she could not see us all because it could have been quite intimidating, considering the size of the crowd attending. It seems that every one from Telos and the Light Realm were there, applauding the reactivation of the flame of Love of Twin Flames from our temple into the physical octave.
It was only after the wedding that we unveiled to her more information about the true nature of the temple and the wonderful activation that took place for the planet during the ceremony. By following her heart and inner guidance, we were amused to see how she provided for us the opportunity to create this wondrous opening into the physical plane. The scenario we had been waiting for so long unfolded in a perfect sequence without her having any clue of what was really going on besides a wedding ceremony. This too made us all smile.
Many of you have discovered that marriage relationships have often been devastating, bringing more stress and disappointment than joy and sustained happiness. The reason for this is that stressful relationships are based on duality rather than the oneness of divine Love. Unless a relationship is based on that oneness, it can never fulfill the longing of the heart that you have so deeply felt.
Now allow me to lecture you a little. As the guardian of the Unfed Fame of Love, I have watched you on the surface in your relationships for a very long time. For those of you looking for your beloved somewhere else outside of yourself, let me say that this is not the way it will come. Your beloved is also part of you. He or she may have a body in the outer world, but meeting that one when one is not fully ready for that initiation is a bit tricky. It is not often for the best of your interest because the experience of third dimension does not always offer this compatibility of character and spirit unless both parties have reached the same level of readiness and evolution.
Listen to me well dear ones. Look for that one inside of you first in every cell and atom of your heart and soul and begin to develop a relationship with that one. That one is Self, your divine counterpart. It lives within you. The relationship that you are seeking is nothing more than the reflection of your own relationship with your own divine Self. When you learn to love yourself in every aspect of your essence, every aspect of your divinity, every aspect of your human experience, and that divine love for Self becomes the ruler of your heart and life, you will no longer look anywhere else. You will know that you have found it. It will not really matter what form it takes, your heart will feel full and satisfied.
At that stage of development of your spiritual life, the mirror or reflection of that state of perfect love for Self cannot do otherwise than manifest itself tangibly in your life. This is divine law and cannot fail you. If you do not have it, it means that you are not there yet. Mind you, it will show up in your life in divine timing, and the wait, if there is a waiting period for you, will not matter because you know that you have already united in your heart with the object of your yearning and your love. You will know the divine complement or twin flame that you have been looking for, that divine perfect union will manifest in one way or the other.
In the higher dimensions, beings have already attained this perfection of divine love otherwise they would be where you are. When you attain the perfection of this divine love, you will be lifted up in the higher realm and you will be in that perfect union with that one that has eluded you for so very long. It can also happen in your 3rd dimensional reality. Once you have attained this state of divine love in your heart, nothing can be withheld from you, not even your twin flame.
In the name of divine love, may I suggest to you that you start now looking for your beloved within your own Self. This is the quickest way to be united with your twin flame. You won't have to put ads in the paper to find her or him or go to single's clubs. He or she will literally fall on your lap, and you will not be able to avoid it.
May you meet all your tests in the embrace of divine Love! It is my pleasure to invite you to come to my temple at night where I give classes for those desiring to reunite with their twin flames. I am not offering to become a matchmaker as you call it in your language. We are willing to assist you in reconnecting with that wondrous part of Self that you abandoned a long time ago; that very part that will magnetize your beloved and everything else you desire in your life. We will not magnetize your beloved for you, but we will show you how to accomplish this for yourself. We will teach you the true meaning of the word "Union".
Before you go to sleep at night, ask your guides to bring you to the Temple of Union to attend our classes. My underground crew and I will be there to receive you. I promise that we will have a delightful time together. If you don't remember, do not worry. With the thinning of the veil, many more of you will soon start remembering your many and delightful nightly adventures.